Wednesday, July 13, 2005


It's a hard life after all, it's a hard, hard, life....

As I sit in the train, I look about me. I see a wrinkled old lady, lugging two heavy shopping bags full of gift-wrapped boxes. Did she spend her last dime for these gifts? Will the recipient appreciate her good intentions – or will she still be considered “the old nag?”

There, sits a shabbily clothed man. A brown paper lunch bag rests on his lap. He looks beaten – tired and overworked, unappreciated and under-estimated. He probably works too many hours – and all this, for what? So that his wife can keep up with the Jones’? (or the Schwartz') So that his children are not deprived of anything? And is his family grateful for all this – or do they demand more of him?

Here stands a woman, deep in thought. Are her thoughts cheerful – or is she thinking about the argument she had with her husband this morning? Does she dread going home to him?

I see a young man carrying a bouquet of flowers. Are these flowers for his mother who is in the hospital, dying? Or are they for the woman whom he wishes to impress? If so, will she act or react as he expects her to?

In all aspects of life, people try so hard to please, and suffer so much in the process. Their suffering, however, would be diminished or even forgotten if only their well-meant efforts were appreciated.

I sit here and watch. Practically all the people about me are tired or depressed, or worried, or heart broken, or confused, or………

What a sad world it seems to be.

Any thoughts on my thoughts?? Do you ever feel this way? And don't tell me that I'm being unduly's reality.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Anonymous said...

There, sits a shabbily clothed man. A brown paper lunch bag rests on his lap. He looks beaten – tired and overworked, but still satisfied. Has he found a little treat that he can afford for his beloved children today? Is it possible that the lollies in the brown paper lunch bag, will lighten up the children's faces, which will make his hard day all worthwhile. He is poor, but goes to sleep happy with his lot.

Here stands a woman, deep in thought. Her thoughts can be very cheerful. She is thinking of how much she missed her husband and children, and about the nice dinner they are about to have.

I see a young man carrying a bouquet of flowers. These flowers are for mother's birthday. Or as you say they may be for the woman he loves. She has a nice cufflink waiting for him. She may be the woman deep in thought, (not likely if they're not talking :) )

Just changing your story to see the positive. Don't get me wrong. Alot of times I only see the dark side of life. Much easier to hcange somebody else's perspective than my own.

Depends what kind of shades you're wearing. clear or tinted.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

Jsirpicco is right. Cheerful stuff that makes for happy life, makes boring blogging.
But seriously, Shevy...did you grow up in an ivory tower? Are you very young and innocent? This is life - and it isn't a fairy tale with a happily ever after. From where I am now, it's a rough ride.......

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Chayala and Cynic,
Thanks for the comments. Chayala, the sun DOES shine for me - many times....and many times it's joyful in my world! But the basics in my life are very wobbly...aside from my children. Thank G-D for that blessing!
Cynic - a friend of mine just got me a gift. A bookmark with the quote "It is never too late to be what you might have been" and I believe in that. Anything can happen - anytime.

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

Thanks for the comment and the compliment.
(she said, blushing, humbly)
And thanks for visiting my blog....

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am using my blog as a vehicle for my feelings; the release of emotions; be they cheerful, exhirlaring - or exhausted from smiling my way through days when I feel a dip in my mood barometer.
And what's wrong with that?
Yes - life is tough....and yes - life is beautiful - and yes, life is full of happy days, full of love, full of wonderful moments that will never be forgotten - yes - it's all that, I agree. And I go through those days - alot! I have great friends, a supportive and wonderful family, a job, a car, a home (my husband's , not mine) to live in.....I have health, good looks, talents that Hashem gave me....I'm overflowing with the goodness I've got, and I remember to thank Hashem every minute. I know I'm lucky.....I see alot of tragedies every day..It's part of my job as a caseworker, helping people who are in such, such, bad situations. And sometimes that alone can bring me down. Seeing all the problems that people carry with them. I'm lucky to be in a position through my work to be able to help people, and that is the greatest perk of my job.
I'll see if my optician has a pair of rose colored glasses for me - think that'll do the trick??
Seriously though, thanks for the good thoughts. AND- if I may ask, don't YOU ever have days when the glass is not only half empty , but is just shy of being totally depleted??

At 10:11 AM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

you didnt mention the half naked girl in cowboy boots, with the tattoo on her back and a ring in her belly button.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why bring your wifee into the picture

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Shlomy said...

I love the way you observed those people
In general every person wants to be recognized, and unfortunately most people are not appreciated the way they should be, people are too selfish (or Busy) to compliment others on a daily basis
this has nothing to do with your own perception of the world. it was a very valid observation that you made and I like the way you think, I loved this post

At 12:09 PM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

my wife is very Conscious about her tattoo so i dont want to talk about it now but when she walks the tattoo wiggles.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...


I am sorry to hear you feeling so down.

Here is what helps me. When I see the world through dark glasses, I sit back, and take another look at everything I have to be greateful for. My health, the health of my children, my husband, my home, my job, etc. When my daughter was ill, the darkest time of my life, I never gave up hope, nor stopped believing in my heart that all would turn out as it was supposed to be. I still remained grateful for what I had through my tears and what I felt were unfair moments.

You have many gifts: you are a beautiful writer, you have wonderful children, and seem to be a good person, who loves to help others. Remember these qualities next time you look around you and see shabby clothes, and torn brown paper bags.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

Thank you so much, Barbara, Shloimy, Normaljew, killabendel, kvetch...for your kind words. As I read them, I almost started crying again. That's the way I feel now.
People are always telling me how talented I am, how creative, how interesting, how attractive,how funny, etc. I am. Sometimes I believe them and sometimes I don't.
I'm at work, sitting at my desk, a backlog of work that I can't seem to concentrate on.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

Come on, girl,
Embrace your down days.
They are a reminder of your womanhood!
Would you really want your emotions and moods to be as predictable and boring as Kvechers?

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

You ALWAYS say the right thing. Sharp, to the point - and logical!
I wish I knew who you are - in real life. You must be someone who is a good friend to those in your world.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

Thank You MG

Don't worry,
I'm just as lost as you are.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger SemGirl said...

What a depressing blog, MG. You seem really down now. At the risk of sounding like a hypocrit, you really need to go to Eichlers and get an inspirational book or a sefer. Or just concentrate on 'Shelo Asani Goy', and how beautiful it is to be a bas yisroel.
You would be intoxicated with Simcha then.
My brocha to you is that you get there real soon..

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Anonymous said...

Margarita girrl, unfortunately, it is not so..

As I said,its much easier to point out to others how to look at the bright side of things.

No ivory tower. I don't like to speak about my life on blogs so...

At 12:09 PM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

why does b from c keep coming back is she a masocist?

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

Thanks for replying to Semgirl...
Margarita Girl is back!
Happy days are here again....
and sem girl, everyone has their down days, and when they do, it's the sadness in the world that we focus on. The world stays the same, but we can see it in two ways, depending on how life is treating us at the moment....

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Dan Eisenberg said...

your story reminds me of an experience my wife and I had 2 years ago. We wanted to purchase a house in a yishuv in Israel. Left over from the time of the "chalutzim" and kibbutzim, they have this ridiculous formality of a psychometric evaluation. One component is a Thematic assesment test (TAT) where we were shown series of pictures and had to write a story about the pictures. For examples of the pictures on our test click here (there was no text) here
and here

We were told that in order to "pass" we should write happy stories no matter how depressing the picture. My wife and were joking about our stories that although plausible, were ridiculous. The message of the TAT test is how you see others is a reflection of how you see yourself.

So MG, look in the mirror and there you will see the beutiful person that all of us have come to know and love.

Shabbat Shalom

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just read your most recent post and some of your previous grotesque rantings. While it is very impressive, sincerely, that you would say kaddish for B from C father A"H, just one question. How can the same mouth that says the disgusting things you say, also say yisgadel viyiskadesh...? I guess the Eibishte listens to all of his children.

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

Daniel & Chavi,
Thank you SO much for your warm words.
Have a wonderful Shabbos. I hope to have a cheerful post next one up!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

jsirpicco says,
"my blog is for people who "get it." MG gets it...she even was kind enough to say so "privately."

It's true - I somehow knew intuitively, that in your blogging, a certain sort of freedom is released. But I felt strongly that in your day to day "real" life, you are, what my mother would call,
"Ah Mentsh tzvishin mentshen" - A frum person, a good person, a caring person.
Gut Shabbos.

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:48 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

very good observations. I guess we both grew up in very confined (emotionally) environments. But we're still here, and still kicking! And we can do anything!


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