Motzei Shabbos…….
Es geyt shoin avek der heiliger shabbos,
In shtibel is lichtig, in shtibel is shtil,
Dee Mama zugt shtil der “got fin Avruhom”
Zee zugt dee t’filla mit hartz un gefeel…
Oy – Got Fin Avruhom, fin Yitzchak in Yaakov
Farnem shoyn mayn tifilah in dayn himlicher geshtel
Inn shik shoen mayn mazel
Un reef oys mayn broche,
Az lichtig sohl veren iber dee gantze velt.
The holy day of Shabbos is now departing
In the room it is bright, in the room it is silent,
Mothers whisper the “God of Abraham”
They whisper the prayer with whole heart and feeling.
Oh, G-D of Abraham, of Yitzchak and Yaakov
Accept my prayer in your heavenly setting
And send already my fortune
And announce already my blessing
That a bright light may illuminate the entire world!
I feel locked in, yet I also feel locked out.....
Do you ever feel yourself being pulled in two directions? Not physically and not literally – but inside yourself. A struggle within. On a Shabbos or YomTov is when I tend to feel it most. Not every Shabbos or every Yomtov, but those are the times that such feelings are prone to come to me in waves, heavily, and without logic or reason, but – there they are.
I feel locked in, because the day is long, the quiet is oppressive, the atmosphere inside my home is not peaceful, and I get restless. I gaze at my car, sitting in the driveway…….and think….oh, if I could just get into my car and drive away, get out, get out of here.
I feel locked out, because although I try to achieve the spark and the spirit and joy and the harmony of the wonderful Shabbos and Yomtov, I can’t always feel it……it seems to elude me many times . I’m locked out!! Others feel the joy! Others can let go of the daily grind to rejoice in these special days………..I try and I fail.
Es geyt shoin avek der heiliger shabbos,
In shtibel is lichtig, in shtibel is shtil,
Dee Mama zugt shtil der “got fin Avruhom”
Zee zugt dee t’filla mit hartz un gefeel…
Oy – Got Fin Avruhom, fin Yitzchak in Yaakov
Farnem shoyn mayn tifilah in dayn himlicher geshtel
Inn shik shoen mayn mazel
Un reef oys mayn broche,
Az lichtig sohl veren iber dee gantze velt.
The holy day of Shabbos is now departing
In the room it is bright, in the room it is silent,
Mothers whisper the “God of Abraham”
They whisper the prayer with whole heart and feeling.
Oh, G-D of Abraham, of Yitzchak and Yaakov
Accept my prayer in your heavenly setting
And send already my fortune
And announce already my blessing
That a bright light may illuminate the entire world!
I feel locked in, yet I also feel locked out.....
Do you ever feel yourself being pulled in two directions? Not physically and not literally – but inside yourself. A struggle within. On a Shabbos or YomTov is when I tend to feel it most. Not every Shabbos or every Yomtov, but those are the times that such feelings are prone to come to me in waves, heavily, and without logic or reason, but – there they are.
I feel locked in, because the day is long, the quiet is oppressive, the atmosphere inside my home is not peaceful, and I get restless. I gaze at my car, sitting in the driveway…….and think….oh, if I could just get into my car and drive away, get out, get out of here.
I feel locked out, because although I try to achieve the spark and the spirit and joy and the harmony of the wonderful Shabbos and Yomtov, I can’t always feel it……it seems to elude me many times . I’m locked out!! Others feel the joy! Others can let go of the daily grind to rejoice in these special days………..I try and I fail.
So - I imagine that if only I could go to---------
Aruba, Jamaica oh I wanna take you
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go…
Off the Florida keys,
There’s a place called Kokomo,
That’s where you wanna go,
To get away from it all,
That’s where you wanna go,
To get away from it all,
Bodies in the sand,
Tropical drink melting in your hand…
We’ll be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band,
Down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica oh, I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go
I wanna take you down to kokomo
We’ll get there fast
And then we’ll take it slow
That’s where we wanna go
Way down to kokomo
To Martinique, that Monserrat mystique
We’ll put out to sea
And we’ll perfect our chemistry
By and by we’ll defy,
a little bit of gravity
Afternoon delight……
Cocktails and moonlit nights.
That dreamy look in your eye,
Gives me a tropical contact high
Way down in Kokomo
Everybody knows
A little place like kokomo
Now if you wanna go
And get away from it all....
Go down to kokomo...
Where do I really want to be………I'm pretty sure that it’s not KOKOMO. I think I’m fooling myself if I think that’s going to make me happy......
I read your one sentence over and over, realizing all the while, the perfect sense you make.
WITH sholom bayis, Shabbos is a wonderful thing......without sholom bayis, shabbos is harder than the rest of the week - BECAUSE - I'm locked in here with someone I am not happy to be around. During the week I can lose myself in my work, with my friends, with errands and shopping, and music and movies, with family who do not live in walking distance....
Oh well....and now Shevuos is coming, it's SO hard.
You ask me to visualize how others (my friends, perhaps) feel the joy of shabbos and yomtov.
I think of that alot. Some of them have small children, loving husbands, parents and siblings who live practically around the corner, and so the day passes so quickly and with so many activities. How do you handle this? or is it not something that most people feel needs handling?
Some of them have small children, loving husbands, parents and siblings who live practically around the corner,
What are you trying to tell us here?
Your friends in BP carry?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has nothing whatsoever to do with that issue....and by the way, my husband and I disagree on that one too...but this is not about carrying on shabbos or not..
mg; i told you what you have to do. how many more of us are going to tell you the same thing. remember
hop on the bus gus
drop off the key lee
and set youself free. no need to discuss much. etc.
Come on MG.
I was trying to be as "homorous"
as Kvecher and Cynic at least.
hoez: there is a membership fee for the humor club.
OK....enough of my miserable pity party!
jsirpicco...thanks for the thoughts, and I think that the sholom bayis box is really a wonderful thing, and the mere fact that your wife and you do this, shows me that there is real friendship and caring in your house. Every couple has differences, that's the way it is......but if you care about each other and about your family, then when the dust settles, it's ok again.
I know about the fifty ways to leave your lover, guys, but I can't go through that again,
She said " it grieves me so to see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do to make you smile again"
I said I appreciate that and would you please explain
About the fifty ways
She said why don’t we both just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning you’ll begin to see the light
And then she kissed me and I realized she probably was right
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover
Fifty ways to leave your lover
Just slip out the back, jack
Make a new plan, stan
You don’t need to be coy, roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, lee
And get yourself free........
How do you celebrate and pass the time when yomtov is 2 or 3 days? Is it always happy? Full of activities? never boring? Always spiritual?
Am I the only one who feels this way?
there was a famous chinese philosopher YEN TSING,( say his name fast 5 times , get it) he said "it is i who is not in the prison, yet the prison is inside of me." one must think there will be a parole hearing for the sentence you have ruled for your self. contrary to colonel klink there are ways of escaping stalag 13. you are lik gilligans island, they could have been rescued if they wanted to leave. so can you. BTW it is not a pity party we are having a yid feels the pain of his brother. nosai oil chaveiro.
Hi...and welcome to my blog!
Thank you SO much for responding...at least I see that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I decided to do something about it, and we're going to my parents soon...so it'll be more yomtovdik, that's for sure. I'm certainly going to try.
Hope all of you have a happy Shevuos....
I'm working on my what you said...trying to feel the joy of yomtov - trying to connect...hope that I'm successful ..have a great yomtov!
kvetch....you're so sweet. I like what you said about it not being a pity party, but that we all feel each others pain.
I went out and visited someone in Maimonides today, and brought them cheese blintzes, etc. So I made someone happy and that makes me happy. I'll keep on trying. Thank you!! :-)
It has been said, that no matter where you go, there you are.
That being said, peace must come from within you as you define your relationship with G-d, with your family, your children and others.
Do not run...discover.
BARBIE: it also says, "not matter which way you turn, left or right, your tuchas is always behind you."
oy i ate too much cheese cake.
Wow, you really put into words what I feel so often. I lie in bed, miserable, and count off all my friends on my fingers, and visualize them - with their families, some have siblings nearby to visit on shabbos/yomtov ( I don't) It seems to me, at those times, that everybody except me is sitting around the table, happy families, while, poor me..........the truth is......I have to keep reminding myself that I AM LUCKY..that Hashem did give me alot of brochos, my children, my parents, my friends, my health, my energy, my job....I MUST think positive thoughts and block out the miserable part of it. I'm in a bad marriage, so - it's my choice to stay, for various reasons, and therefore I have to make the best of it.
Thank you for sharing this with me. It DOES help to know that I'm not alone, feeling this way.
I hope you had a wonderful yomtov.
As for me, thank G-D that it passed quietly, without fights. I just smile and say "whatever you want" and inside I seethe and scream.....but on the outside I try to look serene.
My husband must be the only one in this neighborhood who did NOT bring home flowers for shevuos. But 2 of my close friends did.......thank g-d for good friends who care.
Barbara from California said...
It has been said, that no matter where you go, there you are.
TRUE.....you can't run away from your problems, you've got to confront them. I'm trying.
Thank you SO much for that comment. It made me smile and boosted my ego, when I really needed it!
Yes, the blintzes were homemade. I also arranged for someone to visit 2 people (in the hospital) each day of yomtov, and bring cheesecake and other goodies. I tried to stay upbeat and positive. I read "The Seventh Beggar" by Pearl Abraham over yomtov, it's very interesting and refers to R.Nachman of Bretzlov all through the book. very intriguing...I'll have to find out more about him. Will get some books. Does anyone here know more about Bretzlov?
mg you bring mr not so hubby with you to your parents? what about your kids do you spend yom tov with them ever. does he spend them with his kids ever?
Kvetch..... I ALWAYS spend the time with my children...love 'em! I bring HIM along to my parents. He's very nice to them, and they are so balebatish...even though they know all about what he does, they are always gracious and polite.
I looked into Brestzlov, I read some of the stuff over Yomtov, and today I called my brother and asked him to tell me more. It IS an unusual chasidus, that's for sure.
I know only to well the meaning and feelings behind your words. I must say that after so many blogs you still manage to outdo yourself each time with the depth of expressing yourself and putting your point so well across.
I have the same issue and I think most of it come because we are brought up with so many “musts” and “do’s” and “don’t do’s” on shabbos that in the process the main reason of why shabbos was given to us gets forgotten.
I will requite one of my favourite singers:
Looking from the outside
You're always looking in
You think you fixed he problem
'Til it comes right back again
And life seems like a trap
You're trying to get out
You're searching for your cheese
'Cos you feel like Mighty Mouse
You're damned if you don't
You're damned if you do
You've seen all the signs
But you haven't got a clue
to Lost spirit....
Yes....I guess we feel it the same way. Don't you wish sometimes, that you could just, blindly, happily, joyously, lose yourself in the aura of it all. Not to question, not to scoff, not to rationalize, just FEEL!
Here we go
We're riding on a whim
Connecting with a rendezvous
Here we go
We're jumping off the wings
We're going round in circles
It's a catch 22
Yes, we're flying round in circles
It's a catch 22
yes were rocking round in circles
it's the catch 22
Oh.....and thanks for the compliment. I always think that I have nothing left to say - no creative juices...but sometimes I surprise myself.
I'd like to ask a question I'm sure many other bloogers are wandering about but dare not ask.
I'm not judging, I'm just trying to understand.
You seem to be a woman who knows what you want out of life.
How is it that you got stuck in a bad marriage second time around?
I mean, after being hurt once, didn't you learn from the past?
After all, you were not a little girl anymore, and you did not have to rely on your parents.
So, what gave?
I'll try to answer your question. My first marriage, we all know was something I did not want.
Then I got divorced.
I went out with lots of men who were "redd" to me. Some of them I didn't want for various reasons, and some that I DID consider, didn't like me - it happens!
I was working very hard at my job. Actually I had two jobs, in order to be able to give my children the best education, and the best of everything. It was very difficult. Every month I didn't know if I could meet my bills. It was terrifying. At night, I couldn't fall asleep, for worrying about everything. It was all on my head. My ex did not want to contribute, and he could not afford to really give much. My now husband was redd to me, by a relative of mine. She begged me to go out with him, that even though he was considerably older than I, he was well known as a very good person, and also as a man of means. I went out for one date. I came home, and said to myself, I DON'T want to see him again. When I told a very close friend, who I worked with, this story......he called me into his office, and we sat there for 4 hours, I was crying and he was talking. He was very logical. He told me all the good points of this man, and told me to give it a fair shot - that I deserve to be taken care of for a change. After thinking hard, I went out with him again, and again, and again. He fell for me - very hard!!
And I started seeing something charming about him. He made me laugh, he was crazy about me, and he promised me a life of comfort and security. He told me, that if I choose to continue working, that money is mine alone, and I can do what I want with it, but that he would support me totally, he would take me to Israel, to London, all over the world.
And so........we got married. Even during our "honeymoon" certain things came out (in the personal arena which I cannot discuss here) that were abhorrent to me, and this started a roller coaster ride, going downhill all the way. When I did not consent to certain aberrations of his, he would threaten to divorce me, knowing how terrified I was of being on my own again. He was a master at his craft. Which was to pull me in, and push me out.
I cannot say here, why I did not leave. In truth, I cannot leave. But to say more, might be too revealing.
Men are assholes and women are stupid.
Sorry, but that's my weltanschauung after reading your comment.
My heart bleeds for you and for myriads of others of our sex.
BFD so he has naked pictures of you who is he going to show them to? you leave that psycho bastard right away! no one needs this crap. one is the lonliest number, etc. but then comes two. youll find another, a besserer. dont sell yourself short. then you were just a child now you can manage all you need to do is take those first steps. watching oprah wont hurt either. now you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!
thekvetcher, jsirpicco and HT,
If only it would be something simple like photos of me.....or anything else that you've mentioned. It goes way, way beyond that. I can't go further into it, on an open forum like a blog.
Don't worry......
I will survive.
Oh as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live,
I've got all my love to give
And I, l will survive,
I will survive....Hey, hey
It took all the strength I had, not to fall apart,
Just trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart,
And I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself,
I used to cry, but now I hold my head up high.
(I know that in this song, she threw the guy out....changed the locks, etc. and I'm staying, but there are ways and ways of surviving, sometimes by leaving, sometimes by staying)
It's true!
He's older......and he said he would be my "Daddy" and give me all the love and all the physical, emotional and financial comforts!
And he enveloped me in his charm, and destroyed my spirit.
But I am struggling every day to get myself back. Nobody is the master of me.......and I have made that clear to him, he knows it.
But every day is a new day, and some days I can be strong and happy and go about my life, and other days, I'm weak.
mg did you ever see the pope of greenwich village?
chayala ....
A good word from a blogger friend means a lot - even if when the computer goes down, so does the friendship, because after all, we don't know each other.
But put in a good word for me....thanks for the show of support. This means a lot too..computer on, or computer off...Aren't we all in this life together?
This is my first time at your blog.
Although I am not Orthodox, I am fairly observant and do keep the Sabbath each Friday. There were some days, when it just seemed as if I was going through the motions, which in my opinon says quite a bit, as ritual is an important part of Shabbath as well.
The inside sparks are beautiful to have, when illuminated, but in many ways, are the icing (albeit tasty on the cake.)
Hope you have a good, positive week.
You know, I DID NOT see that movie, although I know about it, and wanted to rent it several times. What is it about exactly?
my e-mail address is kaballahgrrl69@aol.com
cynic said...
im buying. what are u drinking
u all deserve it
Barbara from California,
Thanks for the good words. We're all trying, trying........
jsirpicco...forgot to tell you - I LOVE the song you mentioned, by the Eagles - always did..
City girls just seem to find out early,
How to open doors with just a smile.
A rich old man And she won't have to worry,
She'll dress up all in lace and go in style.
Late at night a big old house gets lonely,
I guess ev'ry form of refuge has its price;
And it breaks her heart to think her love is only -
given to a man with hands as cold as ice.
So she tells him she must go out for the evening,
To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down;
But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin'
She is headed for the cheatin' side of town.....
You can't hide your lyin' eyes..
And your smile is a thin disguise..
I thought by now you'd realize,
There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes
On the other side of town a boy is waiting
with fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal
She drives on through the ice anticipating
'Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel.
She rushes to his arms, they fall together
She whispers that it's only for awhile;
She swears that soon she'll be comin' back forever,
She pulls away and leaves him with a smile.
She gets up and pours herself a strong one,
And stares out at the stars up in the sky.
Another night, it's gonna be a long one;
She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry.
She wonders how it ever got this crazy,
She thinks about a boy she knew in school.
Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?
She's so far gone she feels just like a fool.
My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things,
You set it up so well, so carefully.
Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things,
You're still the same old girl you used to be.
You can't hide your lyin eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
Honey, you can't hide your lyin' eyes
cynic said...
"mg - heavy on the vodka and rum "
YO...You know it!!
When feeling locked in, read an inspiring book, go thru some photo albums, see what youv'e accomplished, go for a walk, visit a friend... a maybe, just maybe have a margarita
mlj-dogs in the yard
one of my favorite songs is the theme from MASH. any one know the title? how about you CHAYALA?
Chayala whats you deal?
petzel, let her answer. i want to know her dress size
cynic said...
from the chaptzem blog
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Williamsburg curfew update
what size is your husband?
IF I WENT TO KOKOMO I would bring a special someone, a few bikinis, and I would assume that the hotel that we were staying in, had a great bar, so that we could drink, dance, ohhh......I'm afraid to say more, people will think I'm too off the charts....
I WOULD be the MG as here, as I always am. I never change that. That's why I sometimes get into trouble, I refuse to put up a front for the neighbors....
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
But the truth is that you can't escape. "Wherever you go, there you are," as one blogger so aptly put it.
No way!!! I would bring another friend of mine who is fun, and NOT a hyprocrite.....we went together to Vegas, Hawaii, and other places, and always had the best fun.
Who would you bring if you had the chance?
I can't tell you everything, Kvetch, but we did drink alot of "Blue Hawaiis" poolside and we wore lei's.......
so my topic of Locked in or locked out is not being discussed?? I guess I'm locked out!!
Although that song is way before my time, and not really my tastes, I agree with you completely. At least you are in BP, and can go into the city and have fun on the weekdays.
Where I live, I'm trapped 24/7. I even had to start a blog to talk about it.
Welcome to my blog. Did you go back and read them from the first one? You'll find it interesting if you come from similar backgrounds.
Where do you live, that is SO cloisterd, making it impossible for you to get out and see how the other half lives????
jsirpicco ,
And you may ask yourself, what is that beautiful house
And you may ask yourself, where does that highway go...
And you may ask yourself, am I right, am I wrong...
And you may tell yourself, my god, what have I done?
questions unanswered ..........
You know guys.......
I've been telling you quite a bit about my personal life, and it just occured to me, that I know NOTHING about your lives....how about sharing??
we should all have a bar-b-q at my house this sunday as a get together. who is up for that?
MG really your "life" reads like mine stayed in a horrid abusive marriage(#2) stayed 2yrs because i was scared of the alternative untill one day i decided "feel the fear and do it anyway" (interesting book) and i did it and now i FEEL I CAN FLY!!
as every one else is posting lyric ill jump on board
I used to think that I could not go on
And life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true love
I'm leaning on the everlasting arms
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar I see me running
through that open door
I believe I can fly I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me,
Oh if I can see it, then I can be it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar I see me running
through that open door
I believe I can fly I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar, I see me running
through that open door
I believe I can fly I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
Hey, if I just spread my wings
I can fly I can fly I can fly, hey
If I just spread my wings
I can Fly-eye-eye....
Keep on trying.
You're almost as funny as the Kvecher.
cynic said...
a little bit about me
i wear a shtramel,white socks and pink tights.
i love gribbines,gala and schmaltz herring
iam very cultured i attend tishen and mikvos
i know i can fly....
Are you happier now?
In a better place?
I really hope so, and thanks for posting. I love that song too, by the way........
My husband just called..........
His sister, brother-in-law and 3 kids, who live in Baltimore are coming to town.........any guesses as to where they are staying while in Brooklyn???????
I have to do a major food shopping now, and get ready for them.
Oh - and the best part? They will be our honored guests for 2 weeks!!
3 family simchas in town.... Actually I like my sister in law, so it might be ok. Just the extra work, cooking etc. I think I'll be buying alot of takeout! And hoping that they eat alot at the weddings and sheva brochos.........
i'm in a much happier place! my ex is totally out the pic regarding kids and maintaince so thats easier(most of the time) it took time
thanks for your kind words
loads of luck with the inlaws nice of them to give you plenty of notice
You're smarter than I am. I always trust people, no matter how many lessons I've learned....I believe that people are generally good - and I DID reveal too much about my personal life. I don't want anyone to know who I am, because then I won't be able to be open and honest about my feelings, or about anything, actually!
I wonder why I get more responses....must be the subject matter. Like Chayala said in someone else's blog, if you write an intelligent piece, either about politics, or something noteworthy it gets a yawn.
And I agree. Put down your problems, open your secret doors, and everyone wants to hear more, more, more....which is ok, I do it too. Because of things that are happening in MY life, I want to know how someone else is handling their life, hoping for some insight, perhaps?
i know i can fly,
Lots of notice he gave me....15 hours....
BUT - notice that I do not get hysterical about it anymore. I say "ok," and instead of knocking myself out with the perfect setting and ambience in the guest rooms, and homemade original cuisine, I take the easy road now. Takeout food (a lot) paper plates, etc. Still nice but not crazy, like I used to be. I used to stay up ALL night before a yomtov cooking and baking. Everything had to be justs so. I think I have more interesting things to do with my time......and so I spend the time with my kids and my friends, and my parents.
Thanks for the offer of room and board. What do I have to do in return for the accomodations??
Am I cool or what?
I have the guest situation well in hand, without leaving the computer. Called a cleaning crew (2 people) for tmw - they will change linens, get everything ready in every single room of this house (darling hubby gets the bill)........called with a huge grocery order.....called for a huge ready takeout food order.......
I'm such a balebusta! kinehurra,
BTW - don't think that Hubby always goes overboard and pays for a damn thing, but since it was last minute, and it's HIS family, he released his grip on his wallet a little....
The last time I was offered a deal with “no strings attached” it turned out to be a faulty consignment of tampons!!!
MG you know they say everyone has a twin some where in the world i think your me!!! scary lady
being single in the chassidisha velt is hell some times more then marriage its self im sworn single for now and i still get offers and cheppers people cannot it into there thick skull ppl can live alone with out a partner im more whole now then ever!!
i know i can fly,
Keep it going.......Don't you know that "A woman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle"
Sorry guys, ya know I love you, I wasn't talking about you........honest!
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