Thursday, May 19, 2005


Here is another poem that I've written............ which is self-explanatory
(I think)
maybe some of you can identify with this. If so, let's hear from you! even if you can't relate - let's hear from you too!
Read this post until the very end - because I've added a post-script that might explain this a little.

When I was a little girl,
My mother sang this song to me;
"Whatever Will Be, Will Be"

But even so,
how was I to know
that she would go
and give me away
on what should have been my very special wedding day.

But - she gripped my arm,
and led me down the aisle,
to my destiny; --- crying inside, I forced a smile.
I was docile.
My parents ruled.
So, into wifehood
and motherhood
I joined........for a little while.
The above poem was written by me, late at night, after my marriage ended; during a pity party that I held for myself. (after a few drinks, I become very poetic)

I'll tell you briefly how it came about that I stood under that Chupa.
Going out on a date was not even considered; This was Williamsburg, and the procedure was that the parents of the boy and the parents of the girl would first meet and discuss. The mother of the boy might want to check out the girl to see if she's pretty enough for her "Tachshit", so she would go and take a glimpse of the girl, where she worked, or wherever.
The father of the girl, of course needed to find out if this bochor knows how to learn. He would appear at the boy's yeshiva, observe him (undercover) and sometimes - even go to the mikva in the morning when the boy went, just to see that he doesn't have an unpleasant physical form. ( I am not kidding. I know about a case like this)
Anyway, if all went well so far, then the next step was the "b'show"..........and this is how it goes. The boy and his parents come to the girl's house, the girl is introduced to the boy, and the two sets of parents adjourn to another room, to give "the couple" some private time to converse. (and to decide in one hour whether they want to spend a lifetime with each other) So..they all arrived, and the two sets of parents went to another room to give us that wonderful "privacy" :-( I mean, I could hear them breathing heavily, trying to catch every word we said. We talked for an hour and a half - I could see that he was already planning what to buy me for our 50th wedding anniversary, but I was certainly not on the same page. After they left, my father turned to me and said, "NU?" and I shook my head N O, no, no, no. My father started ranting and raving, "Nobody is good enough for you, yadda, yadda. And he ran to the phone to call my uncle, whom he consulted about every little thing. Did I mention that at this time ( at the ripe old age of seventeen) I had seen two other boys, and refused both of them. This was the third boy.....three strikes and you're out! My father wasn't having any of my nonsense, and he was very vocal about his displeasure. After much drama and trauma, just to get them off my case, I agreed to see the boy one more time. The parents (my-future in-laws) and the boy, (the father of my children) came over for a second viewing of the merchandise, (ahem) same scene - different day.....Repeat histrionics after they left. My father threatened, my mother cajoled, my uncle explained that love comes after marriage (yeah, sure, and there IS a tooth fairy too) There was no getting out of this, unless I wanted to leave home, and strike out for myself. It was NOT done to go against your parents. Cut to the chase, I caved in. Because I knew that if it wasn't this one, it would be another one just like him. My parents wanted something for their children that was entirely different than what I wanted for my future. All through the months of my engagement, I cried. Every day I cried. I begged them to let me break the engagement; here's what the answer to that one is - It's a big sin to break an engagement - it is less of a sin to get married and then get divorced.

Are you with me so far?

And that, folks, is how I came to be a Mrs. ( I DID get divorced a few years and a few children later - and the only wonderful thing to come out of that marriage are my children, who are my life and joy)
What do you think of that?
PS... Don't think too harshly of my parents. They loved me then, and they love me now.
Maybe the following poem that I wrote a while ago, will help you understand;
~~ ~~
I was three
when America was shown to me.
My parents,
changed forever by devastation,
that ultimately caused their relocation.
No mothers left,
No fathers.
No brothers or sisters.
Gone - the life they knew.
They had to start anew.
There were so few
And How?
To raise again a family,
Hashem - give them the strength......


At 6:47 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

To Ying.
Already?? I just put the words down, and you have instant telepathy....whew, man, you are fast!!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger stillruleall said...

That is the worst thing I've ever heard. I thought "arranged marriages" like that ended in Europe. Obviously love develops into something deeper and more meaningful as the marriage progresses, but it has to come from somewhere!

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MG, my heart goes out to you. I cannot even begin to imagine what you must have felt, forced into a marriage, with someone you didn't, couldn't love...
I admire how you've (so it seems) taken that pain and used it to grow, instead of becoming bitter, etc.
Stay strong, girrl, there's someone out there just for you, though somedays it seems like he's hopelessly lost...

At 8:15 PM, Blogger LostSpirit said...

I think if the torah was written today, they would have put the parshe of ben sorer emorer next to the parshe of arranged marriages. It is a sad state of the “system” how it is, and until a bunch of egocentric parents will not learn to live in the realities of today’s world and start doing what is best for there children’s instead of looking what is best for them or just plain giving in to the social pressure, we will continue to have a bunch of unhappy marriages and unhappy kids.
And IMHO the whole thing of kids getting married at such a young age is absurd, how can we expect to not have so many issues with teenagers if there parents where not much older then them when they where born.
All I can say is that your kids are lucky to have a mother who is proud of them and loves them, and make sure you shower them with so much love, unlike what we got from our dysfunctional war surviving parents. GO GIRL GO!!!!

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mother was right - Whatever will be will be. The One Above has plans for us all and some things we cant change. We may not understand them at the time (or even afterwards sometimes) but everything in life has a purpose. You have wonderful children and may you continue to get much nachas and joy from them. I envy your strength of character to go through with all that and come out on top.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Karl
You ARE right - Hashem has plans for us, and this was undoubtedly the way it was supposed to be. These wonderful children that I have, were supposed to have this particular set of parents, and so it was.
My kids are the BEST!! And for that alone, I'm grateful. One hears stories all the time, about children that are sick, children that go off the derech..etc.
My ex-husband, by the way, is not a bad person, he is very frum, comes from a nice family, and is totally committed to yiddishkeit. There was no connection, however, no chemistry, call it that, and although he loved me (I still have the Hallmarks from him to prove it) I wanted to love someone too....I wanted to be able to talk to my husband, to share common interests, goals, and to have some laughter and fun as well.
Thanks for the good wishes.
I'm as strong as I will myself to be.
I'm young and healthy, with a great family, wonderful siblings, and you know what??!!

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to "A Monsey Yid"
Yes - it was worth it.
I'm happier, my children are happier, my parents are very supportive and they help me alot. I know that they were responsible for this marriage, but I HAVE to forgive them. They love me, and in their way, wanted what they thought was best for me.

I'm posting a postscript about that soon.

to chai

You really put it very well. Everything in life teaches us a lesson....and if it doesn't destroy you, then it helps you grow and understand.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to lost spirit.

Thanks for the good wishes. I am very very close to my kids, and I let them see my vulnerable side as well as my strength. We are growing TOGETHER, and sharing everything. It's completely different than the previous generation parented.
Hopefully, we all learned the hard way, and can pass along the lessons to our children.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to A Monsey Yid...who posted this. and my response;
"My ex-husband, by the way, is not a bad person... There was no connection, however, no chemistry, call it that, So this was a peaceful divorce and you two still get along, so to speak?


Why are your children happier? Did you two fight frequently?

by the way you desribe it, doesn't sound like he was the fighting type.

Also, you wrote "Yes - it was worth it." Is there anything you miss? Yom Tov, Chol Moed family outtings etc? (Hope you don't mind my being nosey)

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...


Didn't you claim that you have since remarried?

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Hoisen...
Yes, I have since remarried, but what I meant was that the ideal picture would have been, mom and dad and children, (not step-children)
In a second marriage, no matter how good it is, there is still a difference.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm slowly starting to think that we have ourselves a new Belle de Vue... Any disagree?

At 8:07 PM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

MARGI,I was watching a movie today that was from the time around my dating days, I dont recall the name of it but it was so much like all the other ones with Molly ringwald,ally sheedy brendan Fraiser andrew mccarthy and the rest of the crew known as the brat pack. all these movies depicted the pains and pleasures of dating in the secular world. getting dumped by your girl friend in the high school cafeteria can really suck. there was a point in my life i thought i was just living one big movie script. (i auditioned for porn, but aids epidemic broke out that week.) just a joke.
the point is, going out and getting hurt is also not easy to go thru. of course your story was terrible . but there are many that it works for or they just don't have the balls you do- kudos to you. there must be some way that people can find love and security, in the yiddishe velt, before making the move to marrige. there is a story in the talmud that goes as follows. a gentile king asked a rabbi " what does you G-D sit up in heaven and do all day?" the rabbi replied " he arranges marriges." the king replied back saying "thats easy i can do that too." So the king arranged marriges within his kingdom and three weeks later the kingdom crumbled. Margi if the leaders can't see what is happening then soon there will be no kingdom left. the problem also is the shadchannim are motivated by bling not l'shem shamayim. accept my shaddchan i got lucky. it took several hundred dates and a whole lotta money but in the end if it's the right one than you look back you can only laugh. much happines in the future.

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to kvetch...
I understand the point you're making and it's a good one. Was the movie w/ Molly Ringwald, "The Breakfast Club?
Anyway, I totally agree - my way can be good, bad, painful, or filled with happiness and pleasure, and the exact same thing happens to those who have the freedom of dating. Hearts are broken over and over again, and if you're lucky then you find the right partner. AND THEN YOU CAN LOOK BACK AND LAUGH AT ALL THE ANGST YOU WENT THROUGH!
"Que Sera Sera"
I'm glad it worked out for you and wish you continued happiness always. The parable you described is aptly put! Hashem knows what He's doing - we just don't always see it.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to "confused" Yid (is your name scrambled, like life is?)
I'd love to hear more about your life - sounds very, very interesting.
G-D, are you ever right! about the focus of the shiduchim, about the divorce rate, everything you say rings true, but whatareyagonnado??

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Yid
So you think that my site is a "Belle de Vue" - a beautiful sight/site?
Thanks (I think)
Let's hear why.....

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Kvetch....
I think that the "leaders" as you call them, are now beginning to see the problems, and are not pressuring the kids as much as when I got married. A very close friend of mine broke her engagement 2 days before the wedding!! two days!! she had doubts all along, she didn't feel it was the right one. Her parents listened to her, but they still went ahead with all the plans. The chosson and kallah went to some rabbanim for counseling, and still and all, two days before the event, all was cancelled, hundreds of phone calls were made to the guests - NOT TO COME. Her parents stood behind her decision, (of course, they should have done so much earlier, but...)
about the shadchunim..we all know that it's just a business for them, and their job is simply to put a boy and girl together. After that, it should be up to the 2 people who's future is at stake, and their respective parents, to use their brain and their hearts - if they love their children, and not be influenced by anything else, besides the happiness of their kids!!

At 6:16 AM, Blogger TRK said...


Good for you for coming out of it stronger and for being so forgiving and loving. Maybe you can somehow find a way to give chizuk to those poor girls and guys forced into unwanted arranged marriages? Any ideas anyone?


At 10:30 AM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

on the lighter side of the dating/ shidduch process. i was in shul once and this guy was giving me a hard time because i was still single past 27 or 28 what ever. he said to me " do you know why chssidishe guys have such pretty wives and you have nothing? i replied "no" he explained in jest that when it's time to get married,a ll the girls are in a big room. sitting in rows. the pretty girls in the front and graduating to the back are the less attractive ones. not knowing this, a guy like you sees the first row and thinks it gets better towards the back. as you are perusing the aft of the room the chassidishe bucher takes the first one his parents pick out from the first row. when yourealize that the best mechandise is in the front row you run back to find that the pretty girls have been chapped up by the chussidisher and nothing is left that i want in the other rows. I then laughed and said but i can wait for the next front row to fill up. i hope you got a discount on the used schorah you got. He never bothered me again.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Shlomy said...

Foncused writes And the fact is also that more than half of the married man in our community sleep around
What community are you talking about?
you live in a fantasy world let me tell me, the percentage of adultery in the world is about %30 based on recent studies, and you wanna tell us that by us frum yidden it's more than 50% , you don't know what your talking about!

At 12:23 PM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

shlomy, he's living your fantasy

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

"the percentage of adultery in the world is about %30 based on recent studies,"

Oh really?
Want to give us a link to those "recent studies."

Years ago, 50% of men admited, notice ADMITED, to cheating on their spouses.
I would assume the numbers have not been going down.

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Shlomy said...

here is a link

How prevalent is adultery? Two of the most reliable studies come to similar conclusions. The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior estimates that More than one-third of men and one-quarter of women admit having had at least one extramarital sexual experience."{1} A survey by the National Opinion Research Center (University of Chicago) found lower percentages: 25 percent of men had been unfaithful and 17 percent of women. Even when these lower ratios are applied to the current adult population, that means that some 19 million husbands and 12 million wives have had an affair.{2}

as I said 30% in any case , thats in general , do You agree that by FRUM people it's more like %50 ?

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

Thanks for the link shlomy.
These polls tend to be very unscientific given the fact that many people will not admit to having cheated, even on an anonymous forum.
That being said, no, I do not agree that 50% of frum men cheat.
But,the numbers are perhaps way higher than most of us would want to imagine.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

3. How Prevalent are Affairs?
CONSERVATIVE estimates are that 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an extramarital affair. These figures are even more significant when we consider the total number of marriages involved—since it's unlikely that all the men and women having affairs happen to be married to each other. If even half of the women having affairs (or 20 percent) are married to men not included in the 60 percent having affairs, then at least one partner will have an affair in approximately 80 percent of all marriages.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Shlomy said...

Hoezentragerin ok let me ask you this, any I ask everyone the same question, DO YOU PERSONALLY KNOW ANY FRUM WOMEN WHO CHEATED ON HER HUSBAND?
if the percentages are so high would we know about 1 or 2 out there?
yet , I don't know a single frum women that cheated (men I do but not women)

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

You bet I do

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hoezen: can we get names and #s

At 5:47 PM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

i used to hear the saying "every pot has it's lid." here however it seems the lids here are interchangable.
it probably is very rare, but the hype that it gets is exponentially increased do to the nature of the transgression. i don't believe the statistics. and i surely dont believe that one guy could hook up with 5 married women in the same community.

At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

I can't give you names and numbers.
But you can try
You never know.
Even losers like you might get lucky.

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YO HO can we call you HO for short.
now yo dont be dissin me HO. you dont know me cool, dont be dissen me fool. you down wit dat yo HO like a ho down. get it. why are you so angry?

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Anon........
Be cool, Bro.....and don't insult the ladies..
I agree with anon about one thing; you DO sound very very angry - I wonder why and what about. I noticed that you do not blog yourself, rather you like to comment on others who pour out their feeling on their blogs. Why don't you post a blog of your own?
What is the problem??

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shlomy: You think the women will admit to it? Are you mishuggah? As I said in the previous post, and few believed, yes, frum women wander just like everyone else. You ae fooling yourself to think they are any different in this regard, just as the men are no different. Ignore the statistics and belive the facades if you like. Why on earth do frummies believe we are any different?

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

Why, not at all.
I was being nice actually. Doing Anon a service. Sort of being his pimp you know.
As for why I don't do my own postings?
Why should I ?
I think I make my opinions heard loud and clear enough, don't you think?
I guess you can call me a parasite if you like.
I feed off other peoples blogs.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a hoe turned pimp what is this world coming to?

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

Reversal of roles as with every other area in life, I guess.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger kishmech said...

:-0 *speechless.
berludy hell.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Kishmach
What is it that leaves you speechless?

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Karl said...

90% of men cheat.
The other 10% are liers.

You can never get a figure on the amount of people playing away. Especially in the frum community. Even if done anonymously, you cant trust the results.

Did you know that 94% of statistics are made up on the spot?

Of course there are those that cheat, I'm wont denying that, but dont be too quick to compare statistics of Frum/Jewish/Gentile.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Karl
90% ?
hmmm....I don't think so....I'm thinking of all the men I know (my brothers, uncles, nephews, included) Nope. It cannot be that high a figure.
Where did you come up with that statistic?

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

oh, of course, since 94% (as you say, ha ha) are made up on the spot, sure......why not?

At 5:28 AM, Blogger kishmech said...

I'm speechless because I'm not familiar with such situations and for once in my life, I have nothing to say. no wise words of comfort or advice. It will mean nothing to you anyway , as if a five yeaer old is giving advice to a mother.

You're brutally honest, I cannot even begin to i magine what you went through, the situation itself and the agonising decisions. Good luck in everything you do. (((hugs)))))

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your story and I was moved to contact you. I'd like to get acquainted with you. Conceivably, something could develop between us that would catapult us to a higher plane. The rest is gravy. I hail from one of Boro Park, Williamsburgh, the Lower East Side, the Upper West Side, Morganside Heights, or Teaneck. Which one, I'm not at the moment prepared to say, in front of the crowd for all to see. But I encourage you to take this to heart. I adjure you so to do.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to NotStam...
I can't seem to locate you on does one contact you?

To Kishmach
Thanks so much for the comments and the blog-hug....I'm glad to see that others have better life experiences.
Be Happy Always!!

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Admittedly, I don't reside in bloggerland. Why don't you drop me a line at syntactician at msn dot com. I'm sure no one else is reading this.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Not Stam

What gives you the audacity to think that you know ANYTHING about what has happened to me in my life??

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

To Not Stam
"The heck with them" is what you said. It's all me and me and me!

And you know this because.......?
You are absolutely, totally wrong. You are not living my life and you haven't the slightest inkling of who I am, What I'm made of, How I think, where I'm headed.
This blog is open for anyone, so go ahead and rant.....try to feel self important...... you can try - anyway. BTW - I read your first posting, and my opinion is that you are full of's all about you, and how articulate and poetic you are, and how many 10 dollar words you can throw around. Have fun blogging.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

" It's mamash pitiful, what you're doing."

My Dear Not Stam;
YOU ARE THE PITIFUL ONE - AND THIS IS MY LAST (FINAL)POST TO YOU. please remember though, that since all blogs are anonymous, I am in no way, laying it all out in public. Enough facts and places have been distorted in order to keep the anonymity.
Go BLOG yourself!

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

NotStamAGuy ,
You're right.
You are not stam.
You're a narrow minded, vain, self-centered chauvinistic egoist.
This is MG's spot.
She can write, feel, and think the way SHE wants.
I'd chose to read her blog anytime over yours
At least she's not an amateur poser.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Hoezentragerin said...

Undue dwelling on one's own self or attainments.

Ever heard of the defense mechanism called projecting?

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo ho you and stam should hook up 2 negatives make a positive.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Moishe said...

Notstamaguy and Anonymous: DON'T BE A TROLL!

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

To Hoezentragerin
Thank you so much for your support against this obviously "not well" person. Did you see his first post? totally full of himself, his achievements...yawn, yawn..who cares. The main thing about him is his shallowness, his vanity, his feeling of superiority. And of course, he needs a good psychiatrist to discuss him many issues. I wouldn't be surprise if he was an older single guy with absolutely NO prospects....who would even consider a person like that, that attacks others, without knowing any facts - HE's the one that's all ME, ME, ME.
Let's just ignore him and maybe he'll crawl back into the hole he came out of.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His mohel probably took a bit too much, too.

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The problem, Hoezentragerin, is that you are preoccupied with attacking me personally and refuse to stay focused on the substantive question."

You're right. I was kind of rude.
But I was only speaking your language.

"Here you have a young woman who paid no regard to the suffering she'd be doing to her then-husband and the immense pressure she'd be putting on her own children."

No regard? How do you know what no one else does? Do you know enough about her life, personality, and circumstances to judge her so harshly?

" She ruins his and their children's lives."

Are you her son?

"FOR WHAT? So that she could have a better time enjoying herself.... "

Enjoying herself? Don't you think it is every man and woman's right to share their life with the partner of their choice?

"and show herself capable of revolting against the tyranny that had been imposed on her at the time of her marriage."

I agree. The Chasidishe Shidduch system is tyranny indeed.

"She shouldn't go celebrating the misdeed as if it were cause for jubilation."

NSG, you must be wearing tinted glasses.

All I read between the lines is pain, hurt, guilt, and confusion.

"It's better to be married than to be divorced (especially with children) even if the one to whom you are married is (you imagine) not necessarily your first choice."

I guess you must be stuck in a very loveless marriage to make such a blanket statement. Your psychotherapist might have suggested you chant this mantra to yourself 24/7.
Perhaps it works for you.
Apparently for many others out their it does not.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

I could kiss you!!
Thanks for understanding what HE obviously will never be able to; hard choices that have to be made because of situations that a stranger cannot and should not, presume to know. I've worked hard to make a BETTER life for my kids, and I have. I've had obstacles plenty that I've succesfully gone through. It wasn't a life of fun, fun, fun that I was seeking; it was a normal, stable life that would benefit my children, as well as myself.
Let's just ignore this guy from now on. He has nothing of value to contribute

At 9:32 PM, Blogger thekvetcher said...

not stam: the freakin declaration of independance was shorter than than the crap you wrote. you seem to ramble way too much for at least my attention span. what is it you want to say . if you were truely articulate you should be able to get to the point in fewer words. unless you are a pulpit rabbi and need to stretch the weekly sermon. you seem to know so much about what goes on in peoples lives. lets hear about yours. who hurt you? who did you screw over and do you have guilty feelings about it. is thet why you are so judgemental?

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Judging from his ravings, sounds like it could be your ex!

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Anon......
You made me chuckle....I would have thought it was my ex too, but you know what?
My ex is not that vicious....or arrogant.

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummm, at the risk of being cybercastrated...notstamaguy may have some points to ponder...

At 2:25 AM, Blogger stillruleall said...

There is a discussion to be had about whether its better to live a loveless life with your husband and kids, or to decide to leave before it destroys you and your family from the inside. But to blog paragraphs of insults on someones site is not the way. You cant pretend to love someone your whole life, and love is not something you can "work on". Is it better for kids to grow up in a house without love? What message does that send them? On the other hand, marriage is a most holy thing, not to be gotten rid of lightly. If a kid sees his parents quitting cuz things arent going the way they would have liked, what message does that send? Theres no easy way out of that problem. This situation cant be blamed totally on the arranged marriage either. Its not as if couples who find their own match and date for years before getting married are any more likely to stay married then a shidduch couple.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Nachas and Ke'evei Beten
Thanks for the good words....and compliments on my poetry.
It IS a very tough leave a bad marriage and hope and pray that you're doing the right thing. Not only for yourself, but for everyone. for the children to have a happier life and more loving home. It IS scary, but then again again, life is scary sometimes.
The only way to live - is to live. and so I consulted with a Rebbe, and with my entire family, and changed my life.
Nowadays I see that people are divorcing at the drop of a hat, without really trying to see if the marriage is worth saving, but I DID try many times and many ways, until I and family saw that there WAS no other way.
GAM ZU L'TOVAH...this is how it was supposed to be.

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to StillRule All are SO right. and we both know about what.
It would make an interesting topic to get going. Marriage/bad vs. Divorce/for the better. And all the ins and outs of it.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to all my blog-pals,
Take a look at notstam's post of today. Again, he reminds us that he's a wonderful human being. And that he can learn the torah. It's all brag, brag, brag......Ya think there's something seriously wrong with him??
I don't usually get so worked up about things, I can dish it out and I can take it, but this.......made me lose my cool.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my mother always sang me that song. I too married for all the wrong reasons. I know what you went thru, and feel your pain. But keep focusing on your children, and realize that your parents were doing what they believed to be the right thing.

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MG love your blog, i wish u all the mazel.
this is off topic,
i see u r from Willi, i wonder is it true that some chassidim practice sex through sheet with hole? and that one can buy such a sheet in some store?
i just want to clarify the fact and not to laugh at this holy practice if such exist.thanks

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to just asking.
no offense meant here, but....
In Williamsburg, as anywhere and everywhere else, making love, having sex, or done exactly the same. There IS NO SUCH SHEET!! for once and for all......
Why do people assume that there is? Where did this story come from? Chasidim are human, just like anyone else, they love the same, they laugh the same, they cry the same, they share intimacy the same...of course, there is an element of modesty that goes together with it... they don't frolic around in front of everyone; but in the privacy of the bedroom, within the boundaries of laws of niddah, etc. passions can soar very high, body to body - no sheets come between them. I wonder if you are asking seriously, or just trying to pull my strings here....hmm?

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure your society will be blamed for this "mishap," but I dated dozens of women over eight years and finally settled on one. My parents stayed out of the way, except to tell me that they thought she was wonderful.

When I threatened to break off the engagement, my parents asked me to take a drive with them. Not expecting a mob hit, per se, I knew they weren't pleased. My dad was very against it. I held my own and simply said, "Better a broken engagement than a divorce."

But I didn't break the engagement and now, three kids and nine years later, I'm at the precipice. So we too will get divorced and add to the crumbling statistics of Jewish marriages.

Bottom line: It don't matter how you got into it, as long as you know how to get out!

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

< I wonder if you are asking seriously, or just trying to pull my strings here....hmm? >

thanks. i was serious.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Searching..........
So, So Sorry...I know the pain, and especially since you KNEW in advance, (as I did) that it wasn't going to work.
I wish you the best for the future. It WILL be good, just go with YOUR feelings, don't let anyone influence your decisions and trust your own intuitions.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

to Just Asking.
Sorry I got so testy about it, but so many people make a joke and mockery out of this subject, so
sometimes it just gets to me.......since you really wanted to know, now you do.
Thanks for visiting my site

At 11:40 PM, Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Sorry you had to go through this devistating experience.

From what I have read, some of the standards are beginning to relax a bit in the Orthodox communities (am I correct in this assumption?)

Both my husband and I are Jews, and we have been saying how we think that maybe arranged marriages are not such a bad idea afterall, since the parents know what is good for their children, and the union is between families. The subject is complex, and of course would require consent of the child, over some period of time, i.e., in his/her time, not ours. This way, we can preserve our religion and culture, and hopefully our children will be happy too. As I write this, my son is in Israel, the 10 day trip turned into 5 weeks in the Middle-East.

At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for being open with your story. You are a woman of great strength. Keep up the blogging. You have an interesting perspective on life!

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Margaritagirrl said...

Barbara from California,

As a matter of matter, I agree with you that arranged marriages usually work out better than the dating game, the living together before marriage, etc. precisely because of what you said, I feel strongly about it - BUT - after all is said and done, the backgrounds of the families checked out, the goals of both boy and girl to be the same, etc. etc. IT CANNOT BE FORCED UPON THEM! Parents have to do the background work, sure, and get then the 2 together, but the final call, whether there is an attraction there, a chemistry, a feeling of "I can see myself raising a family with this person", has to be a decision that is reached by the couple.


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